Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Maiden Voyage Post

So this is my first time ever creating a blog and I am kind of unfamiliar with the entire process so here goes nothing! Since I don't have an internship (yet) I suppose I will just post about what I have enjoyed about the program thus far. I have really enjoyed the since of camaraderie that has been instilled from day 1 of the program. Apparently we're going to be spending a lot of time together so it has been nice to get to know everyone, both in a professional sense as well as a personal one. I am super excited to get to know everyone better any hope that we can form great friendships from this.  Hopefully next time I will have some internship news to post, but as I'm sure many other people can agree, the entire internship process is incredibly frustrating (which I would imagine is not that different from the actual job market!)

1 comment:

  1. The question now is, do you still like us? Sarcasm aside, I think the friendships we're building in this program will lead to incredible opportunities as we enter the work force and start making a name for ourselves!
